Constitution of WFNRS


The World Federation of Neuroradiological Societies (hereafter called the Federation) shall be composed of Neuroradiological Societies, Colleges, Academies, and Neuroscience associations through the world, but not of individual persons.


The purpose of the Federation shall be the advancement of Neuroradiology in all its aspects, and to represent Neuroradiology worldwide on matters of common interest, by, but not limited to:

  1. the establishment and maintenance of cooperation between neuroradiological organizations worldwide,

  2. the direction and enhancement of the prominent and effective position of Neuroradiology within radiology and the neuro-sciences,

  3. the exchange and dissemination of knowledge, ideas and recognized terminology in the field of Neuroradiology,

  4. the development of the best possible standards of Neuroradiology facilities and practice,

  5. the recommendation and encouragement of and direct involvement in worldwide accepted standards of education, training and research in Neuroradiology and with its allied sciences.

  6. the support of scientific Symposia and annual scientific meetings of member Neuroradiological organizations

The holding of a timely and recurring “Symposium Neuroradiologicum” (hereinafter designated the Symposium), that is open to all member and allied neuro-science organizations and upholds the highest scientific ideals, shall be a major activity of the Federation.

The Federation may engage in other activities, and whenever such other activities are   appropriate towards the fulfillment of its purposes.


1. The Federation shall be composed of the following types of Members and Affiliate Member Organizations, each of which shall be represented by a delegates or alternate delegates as provided under Article II, Sec 4 of the bylaws.

A. Members:

1. Continental organizations of duly constituted Neuroradiological  Societies from Africa, Asia, Australasia, Europe, North America and South America (6 major continental areas).

2. Duly constituted National Neuroradiological Societies.

3. Associated Neuro-science Societies, the majority of whose members are Neuroradiologists.

B. Affiliate Members:

Neuro-science, and radiological organizations without a majority of    Neuroradiologists as members may be Affiliate Members of the Federation.

2. Organizations may apply to become Members or Affiliate Members of the Federation as provided by the Bylaws of the Federation.


The officers should be experienced Neuroradiologists. As much as possible, all continents should be represented.

1.   THE FEDERATION        

There shall be the following officers of the Federation:


Vice President and President-Elect

Secretary General


Members at Large (3)


All officers of the Federation and the Symposium shall be Neuroradiologists and  from a member organization or as may be otherwise provided in the Bylaws of the Federation.  The election, terms, duties, functions, authorities and responsibilities of officers of the Federation and the Symposium are described In the By-Laws, Article II.


There shall be a Governing Council and an Executive Committee.  Standing and ad hoc committees of the Federation may be established. The type, number, composition, method of election, appointment of committee members, terms of service, authorities, responsibilities and duties of The Governing Council, all Committees of the Governing Council, and of the Executive Committee shall be as provided for within the Bylaws of the Federation. SEE BY-LAWS ARTICLES II AND III. 


A. The Executive Committee of the Federation shall be composed of the Officers of the Federation, and

Immediate Past President of the Federation

President of the most recent Symposium

President-Elect of the next Symposium

B. The Executive Committee shall be empowered to act for the Federation and the Governing Council on all matters in the interim between meetings of the Governing Council.


A. The Governing Council shall be composed of all the Officers of the Federation, all Delegates from Full Member Societies and Affiliate Member Societies and all Alternate Delegates.



The meetings of the Governing Council of the Federation shall be conducted in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order and the procedures, which commonly govern deliberative bodies.  Issues concerning rules of order or procedures that are not specifically stated or covered and written in this Constitution, or in the Bylaws of the Federation, shall be resolved in accordance with Rules of Order as provided in the Federation Bylaws.


The language of the Federation and the Symposium shall be English.



Amendments to the Constitution are described in By-Laws, Article V and require a three-quarters (2/3) majority of the Council members voting.


There shall be a separate, written set of Bylaws of the Federation to supplement the Constitution and to facilitate the operations and purpose of the World Federation of Neuroradiological Societies and of the Symposium Neuroradiologicum.


Rules for presentation of amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws are described in the By-Laws, Article V.





International and National organizations may be elected as members of the      Federation by a two-thirds (2/3) affirmative vote of the members of the Governing Council, voting. The Committee on Neuroradiological Societies shall act as a membership committee, and with guidance from the Executive Committee will establish application forms and criteria for membership.  Applications for membership will be submitted to the Committee on Neuroradiological Societies and shall contain:

A statement of educational, scientific and research activities for the neuroradiologists of a defined geographic area;

A copy of the Constitution of the Society, if one exists;

The most recent list of the names and addresses of all officers and members;A summary of the most recent Annual General Meeting of the Society and a description of the Society’s Scientific programs, journals, etc.

All applications when completed shall be reviewed by the Committee on Neuroradiological Societies, which shall make recommendations to the Executive Committee. The Executive committee shall, in turn, make recommendations to the Governing Council for approval at its next meeting.







The Vice-President and President Elect, Secretary General, and Treasurer of the Federation shall be elected from among the candidates slated by the Nominating Committee by an affirmative, majority vote of the members of the Governing Council voting during a Symposium. Should the balloting not result in a majority, a runoff ballot between the two candidates with the highest number of votes will be undertaken immediately.   The President of the Federation may not be re-elected to this position.  The President of the Symposium, while serving in that capacity,  may not hold other office in the Federation.

Those elected as Members-at-Large will be the three candidates receiving  the greatest number of votes.  The candidate receiving the greatest number of votes for Member-at- Large shall also serve as Chair of the Audit Committee.

The President of the next Symposium shall be elected by majority vote from among the candidates presented by the nominating committee.  In addition to Council delegates, each Past President of the Symposium will have one vote. The President of the Federation shall invite nominations for the Presidency of the Symposium from the Presidents of the Member societies. Letters of nomination should be submitted to the Chair of the Nominating Committee  six months prior to the Symposium and should include the Nominee’s proposals for venues, dates and financial and organizational support. The balloting to select the Symposium President shall be convened by the President of the Federation during the Symposium.  Should the balloting not result in a majority, a runoff ballot between the two candidates with the highest number of votes will be undertaken immediately.  \


A.    Officers of the Federation

1) President

The President shall serve as the Chair of the Executive Committee and the Governing Council and shall be an ex-officio member of all committees of the Federation with the exception of the Nominating Committee.  The President shall exercise the usual authority and assume the responsibilities similar to that of the President of a scientific society.  The President shall, with approval of the Executive Committee, appoint the members of Commissions and Commission Chairs.  The President may appoint Special (Ad Hoc) Committees and the President with approval of the Executive Committee shall be empowered to fill any vacancy which may arise in the officers of the Federation, the Symposium and their committees if not otherwise provided in these Bylaws.

2) Vice-President

The Vice President, who shall also be the President-Elect, shall assume the duties of the President if the President is absent or, for any reason, is unable to fulfill the duties of the office.

3) Secretary General

The Secretary General shall be an ex-officio member of all committees of the Federation except for the nominating committee.  The Secretary General shall assume the usual duties and responsibilities of a Secretary General of a scientific society and those duties relating to the Federation itself, the Governing Council and the Executive Committee.  The Secretary General shall be responsible for the day-to-day activities of the Federation.

4) Treasurer

The Treasurer shall assume the duties and responsibilities common to this office. The Treasurer shall perform those duties typically related to dues and other monies received by the Federation and expend such funds of the Federation in accordance with the policies and approval of the Executive Committee and the Governing Council.  The Treasurer shall provide the Executive Committee with an operating statement of the Federation and balance sheet at each meeting of the Governing Council .  The Treasurer shall supply to the Audit Committee copies of treasury records prior to the meeting of the Symposium.

5) Members at Large, three (3)

The members at large should represent the international nature of the Federation.

All elected officers shall serve from the close of the Symposium at which they were elected until the end of the next Symposium.  This term should be at least four (4) years.

B. Officers of the Symposium

The President of the Symposium shall be responsible for selecting and appointing all officers of the Symposium.

All Symposium officers shall be Neuroradiologists and belong to a Member Neuroradiological society of the Federation   Officers shall serve in office from the close of the Symposium at which they were elected to the end of the Symposium for which they were elected, to manage its affairs until they are concluded and all financial matters settled.

1) President of the Symposium


The President of the Symposium shall be an ex-officio member of all committees of the Symposium and shall be a member of the Executive Committee of the Federation.  The President of the Symposium shall exercise the usual duties and responsibilities of a President of a scientific congress.  The President of the Symposium shall appoint all Special (Ad Hoc) committees of the Symposium as are necessary to carry out its functions; and will Chair its Scientific Program Committee.  The President of the Symposium shall appoint the officers of the Symposium and these appointments shall be ratified by the Executive Committee of the Federation.

The President shall propose the site and date of the Symposium for ratification by the Governing Council.

The President and Officers of the Symposium will be responsible for the high standard of the scientific contents of the Symposium, its scope and duration, and shall respect the principles, customs and traditions of past Symposia.  The prime objective of the Symposia up to the time of creation of these Bylaws was the presentation and discussion of research.


A. Delegates

1) The Governing Council shall be composed of all of the officers of the Federation, all of the delegates from each continental, national or other full Member society and alternate-delegates from each society.

2) Full member societies shall be represented on the Governing Council by one (1) delegate.

3) Each delegate (or alternate delegate must be a Neuroradiologist and an active member of the society or organization which the delegate directly represents in all matters.

4) No delegate may represent more than one continental organization or member society.

5) Only officers and delegates of Full Member societies shall have the right each to a single vote.

6) A quorum of the Governing Council shall be determined by one-fifth (1/5) or more of its voting members, present or by written proxy.

B. Alternate Delegates and Delegates of Affiliate Member societies

A Member society shall appoint or elect one (1) and no more than two (2) alternate delegates for each voting delegate. An alternate delegate may attend meetings of the Council, but may participate in all actions required by their prime delegate, only if this delegate is not present.

Delegates from Affiliate Member societies may attend meetings of the Council, but may not vote.

C. Terms

1) All delegates, alternate delegates, shall be appointed or elected by their respective societies.  Their names shall be requested by the Secretary eight (8) months prior to the Governing Council meeting that is held in conjunction with the Symposium.  The Executive Committee shall approve the lists of names.

2) All delegates shall assume office at the end of the last meeting of the Governing Council held at each Symposium.  They shall continue in office for one (1) term usually, four (4) years to include the meetings of the Governing Council that are held at the next succeeding Symposium.

3) Delegates and alternate-delegates may be reappointed at the pleasure of the parent organizations.

4)  The Governing Council shall meet just prior to each Symposium, and, if possible, again on at least one occasion during the Symposium  and, if possible,between Symposia and at such other times, as the Executive Committee shall motiodesignate.

5)  The Governing Council shall:

Serve as the governing body of the Federation and the Symposium, and elect all officers of the Federation.


If one or more of the officers of the Federation or of the Symposium is unable to continue to fulfill the duties of office, the Federation President with approval of the Executive Committee, may declare that a vacancy exists in that office.

This should be filled by Presidential appointment until the next election of officers.  If a delegate is elected an officer of the Federation, a new delegate shall be chosen by his/her parent society.


There shall be Committees, a Governing Council, Standing, Scientific, Special and other Commissions, and appointed officials of the Federation as listed,  but not limited to the following:

  1. Governing Council

  2. Executive Committee

  3. Constitution and Bylaws Committee

  4. Finance (Socio-Economic) Committee

  5. Nominating Committee

  6. Membership(Committee on Neuroradiological Societies)

  7. Audit Committee

  8. Research Committee

  9. Intersociety Committee

  10. Training & Standards Committee

  11. Education Committee

  12. Publication Committee

  13. Parliamentarian Advisor

  14. Committee on History of Neuroradiology

Members of Committees shall be appointed for a period of time at the pleasure of the President, and members of a committee may be re-appointed for no more than one additional term.  Their Chair may continue for another period, usually four (4) years as an ex-officio member of a committee to provide understanding and continuity.  Members of the Nominating Committee shall not serve beyond a single term.

1. Governing Council


2. Executive Committee


A. Duties of the Executive Committee

1)   The Executive Committee shall act for the Federation and its Governing Council in all matters in the interim between meetings of the Governing Council.  At least four (4) affirmative votes shall be required to take action.  The President shall have a casting vote if necessary. Meetings and deliberations of the Executive Committee may be conducted through remote communications, i.e. conference call, telephone, facsimile, electronic mail or suitable technology.

2) The Executive Committee shall give a report of its actions and recommendations for ratification and/or consideration at the next and each Governing Council Meeting.

3) The Executive Committee shall have the power to terminate the        membership of a member society after proper notice and for just cause, after such recommendation has been made by the Executive Committee to the Governing Council and then approved by the Governing Council by two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members, present and voting at a regular meeting.

4) The Executive Committee shall determine the dues to be charged to individual Member and Affiliate Member societies  The dues shall be paid to the  Federation once each year collectively by each Society on behalf of and proportional to the number of the constituted active members of each, in a common currency as determined from time to time by the Executive Committee.

3. Committee on Constitution and Bylaws

A. Composition

The Committee on Constitution and Bylaws shall be composed of four (4) individuals in addition to any ex-officio individuals, and shall be appointed by the President with approval of the Executive Committee.

B. Duties

This Committee shall advise and consider all matters relative to the Constitution, Bylaws, statutes, or other rules or regulations relative to the Federation or the Symposium, and make recommendations to the Executive Committee concerning the substance and wording of proposed amendments.

4. Finance Committee of the Federation

A.   Composition

The Finance Committee shall be composed of the Treasurer of the Federation, the President of the Federation, the Vice President of the Federation, the Secretary General of the Federation, and other individuals appointed by the President. The President of the Federation, with approval from the Executive Committee, shall appoint a chair from its members.

B.   Duties

The Finance Committee shall recommend appropriate action to the Executive Committee on any financial matters.

5. Nominating Committee  

A.   Composition

The Nominating Committee shall be composed of nine (9) individuals.  Eight shall be appointed by the President with approval of the Executive Committee and shall then serve one four (4) year term. The previous Chair of the Committee may be invited to serve as an ex-officio member for purposes of guidance. Insofar as is practical and possible, all broad geographical areas should be considered.  There should be one (1) member from each of the broad continental areas of:

AfricaAsiaAustralasiaSouth America and two (2) each from:EuropeNorth America.

The President, with the approval of the Executive Committee, shall appoint the Chair of the Nominating Committee. A quorum of the Nominating Committee shall be at least five (5) individuals voting.  Each individual shall have the right to one (1) vote.  Once the Committee has been appointed, the Committee may transact its future business at meetings or by remote means such as mail, telephone, fax or e-mail

B.   Duties

1)   Eight months prior to the Symposium, the Chair of the Committee shall write to the President of each Member Society and request that they submit the names of individuals they wish to nominate for the offices of:

Vice-President and President –ElectSecretary GeneralTreasurerMember at LargeMember at LargeMember at Large

Member societies of the Federation through their delegates to the Governing Council may nominate and submit to the Nominating Committee for its consideration, the names of the individuals they would like to be considered for one or another of the offices of the Federation.  They may submit only one name for each office. These must be submitted to the Nominating Committee in writing at least six(6) months before the next Symposium at which they are to be considered by the Governing Council. Nominating letters should include a statement signed by each of the nominees indicating their willingness to serve if elected and should be addressed to the Chair of the Nominating Committee

The Nominating Committee shall collect the nominating letters and verify their authenticity and the willingness of candidates to serve if elected.  A candidate may be nominated for only a single office.  The Committee shall prepare alphabetical lists of all valid nominees for each of the offices of Vice President, Secretary General, and Treasurer followed by the names of the society(ies) which nominated them.   An individual may be nominated for a particular office by more than one member society. All valid nominees shall constitute the slates for these three offices to be submitted for voting on by the Council. 

The nominating committee shall prepare a slate of ten names chosen from those nominated for the position of Member-at Large.  This slate should reflect broad geographic diversity. These names shall constitute the slate for the positions of the three Members at Large.

No member of the Nominating Committee may be nominated for any office.  The Nominating Committee will submit the slates to the Executive Committee four (4) months before the Symposium at which they are to be considered.  The Executive Committee shall submit the four lists of nominees to the members of the Governing Council delegates at least three (3)  months before the Symposium.

6. Membership Committee of the Federation (Commission on NR Societies)

A. Composition

The Membership Committee shall be appointed by the President with Executive Committee approval.

B. Duties

It shall continually review and revise, as necessary, membership categories and criteria, and all applications for membership. The Membership Committee shall make its recommendations to the Executive Committee. After approval recommendations shall be submitted to the Governing Council for voting.

7. Audit Committee

A. Composition

The Audit Committee shall be composed of three individuals appointed by the President of the Federation and approved by the Executive Committee The Member-at-Large of the Executive Committee receiving the greatest number of votes shall serve as Chair of the Audit Committee. 

B. Duties

One of the duties of the Audit Committee shall be to audit the financial accounts at the close of each fiscal period.  The Committee shall give a financial report at the Executive Committee and Council meetings.

8. Research Committee

A. Composition

The Research Committee shall be appointed by the President of the Federation and approved by the Executive Committee.

B. Duties

Among the duties of the Research Committee will be to identify and encourage collaborative research in areas that it deems important to attaining and maintaining economic and political health of Neuroradiology and neuroradiological societies .  It shall also compile lists of ongoing research projects and sources of research funding.      

9. Intersociety Committee

A. Composition

The Intersociety Committee shall be appointed by the President of the Federation and approved by the Executive Committee. 

B. Duties

The Intersociety Committee shall make contacts with other societies of   basic and clinical neuroscience and of basic and clinical radiological science to determine whether certain areas of joint interest might be jointly pursued and to present these findings to the Executive Committee and Governing Council.

10. Training & Standards Committee

A. Composition

The Training/Standards Committee shall be appointed by the President of the Federation and approved by the Executive Committee. 

B. Duties

The committee shall determine standards of training and performance for the practice of Neuroradiology and how these might differ in differing parts of the world and to share these standards with member organizations and the important political organizations in their regions.  It shall assist member societies in establishing standards

11. Education Committee

A. Composition

The Education Committee shall be appointed by the President of the Federation and approved by the Executive Committee. 

B. Duties

The Education Committee shall determine how to best educate students of Neuroradiology and to work with National and Continental neuroradiological societies to implement these methods of education in their regions.  The Committee shall provide a list of website courses, and meetings  and other educational opportunities and educational resources.

12. Publication Committee

A. Composition

The Publication Committee shall be appointed by the President of the Federation and approved by the Executive Committee. 

B. Duties

The Publication Committee will determine how to best disseminate information about Neuroradiology and to work with National and Continental neuroradiological societies to make publications available in their regions.  The commission shall oversee maintenance of the Federation’s website.

13. Parliamentarian Advisor

A. A parliamentarian advisor shall be appointed by the President of the Federation.  The parliamentarian advisor will serve concurrently with the President and may be re-appointed and shall be knowledgeable in parliamentary matters and shall assist the President in the affairs of the Federation, Governing Council and their committees.  The parliamentarian advisor is not an ex-officio member of the Executive Committee nor necessarily the Governing Council and may not vote unless already a member of the governing Council.


1. Rules of Order


2. Language of the Federation and Symposium



Amendments to and changes of the Constitution and Bylaws of the Federation.


Suggestions for amendments and changes to the Constitution and Bylaws may be made in writing by any voting member of the Council to the Chair of the Commission on Constitution and Bylaws.  Recommendations of that Committee will be forwarded to the Executive Committee for its approval.  Amendments and changes to the Constitution and Bylaws may be made at any meeting of the Governing Council on the affirmative vote of three-quarters (2/3) of members voting provided that written notice of the proposed changes are submitted to all Members of the Governing Council by the Executive Committee at least 60 days prior to the meeting at which they are to be considered.